IntervalTime gets the time in seconds (with a precision of microseconds) since the last measurement or the time since the begining of the execution if no previous measuement is available. This point will be used as a starting point for the next interval. The starting point can be reset using ResetTotalTime.
You can use mold input argument to indicate the precision of the output number. Default precision is the default precision of your compiler.
t = IntervalTime(mold)
: Real value to identify the kind of the output. Optional.
It is only used to set the kind of the return value, so it can be any value.Time spent in seconds since the last measurement, or since the begining of the program if no previous measurement is available, or since the last time ResetTotalTime has been used. Uses precision set by mold.
The following program prints the time since the start of the program and since the previous measurement. A more detailed example can be found at here.
PROGRAM intervalTimeExample
USE FU_Timing, ONLY: IntervalTime
USE FU_Prec, ONLY:dp
WRITE(*,*) IntervalTime()
WRITE(*,*) IntervalTime(1._dp)
END PROGRAM intervalTimeExample
Time spent in seconds since the last measurement or since the begining of the program if no previous measurement is available. Uses default precision of the compiler used.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=sp), | intent(in) | :: | mold |
Real value to identify the kind of the output. It is only used to set the kind of the return value, so it can be any value. |
Time spent in seconds since the last measurement or since the begining of the program if no previous measurement is available. Uses precision set by mold.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=dp), | intent(in) | :: | mold |
Real value to identify the kind of the output. It is only used to set the kind of the return value, so it can be any value. |
Time spent in seconds since the last measurement or since the begining of the program if no previous measurement is available. Uses precision set by mold.