!-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! FortranUtilities !-------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE FU_Prec !! author: Emilio Castro. !! date: 13/05/2020 !! version: 1.0. !! license: MIT. !! summary: Precision parameters to use in Fortran programs. !! Precision parameters to use in Fortran programs with real or integer variable types. USE ISO_FORTRAN_ENV IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: sp = REAL32 !! Kind parameter to specify a real type with a storage size of 32 bits. INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp = REAL64 !! Kind parameter to specify a real type with a storage size of 64 bits. #ifdef QPREC_FPP INTEGER, PARAMETER :: qp = REAL128 !! Kind parameter to specify a real type with a storage size of 128 bits. #endif INTEGER, PARAMETER :: i8 = INT8 !! Kind parameter to specify an integer type with a storage size of 8 bits. INTEGER, PARAMETER :: i16 = INT16 !! Kind parameter to specify an integer type with a storage size of 16 bits. INTEGER, PARAMETER :: i32 = INT32 !! Kind parameter to specify an integer type with a storage size of 32 bits. INTEGER, PARAMETER :: i64 = INT64 !! Kind parameter to specify an integer type with a storage size of 64 bits. END MODULE FU_Prec